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Joe Matarlo

What If You Mix Epoxy Wrong?

Epoxy is used by people for coatings, paintings, and more all over the world, with the global market at $28.3 billion in 2020. And yet, so many people end up losing out by committing one of the biggest mistakes of using epoxy — mixing it wrong. 

When you mix it correctly, you get that durable and smooth epoxy flooring finish. But mixed incorrectly, it doesn’t cure properly, leading to premature peeling, cracking, or uneven surfaces. 


Common Mixing Mistakes

Mistake 1: Incorrect Ratios

The biggest problem with this process — especially for people who DIY it — tends to be using the wrong hardener-to-resin ratio, something that ends up giving you either overly soft or overly brittle surfaces.

Mistake 2: Poor Mixing Techniques

A second mistake is the inadequate blending of the mixture, which leaves unmixed portions and then leads to uneven curing of the final results. 

Mistake 3: Rushing the Process

And then there’s the ‘rushing’ part, which also often comes with DIY attempts — failing to mix long enough ends up trapping air bubbles and giving you a flawed finish that becomes a problem in the long run. 

Consequences of Improper Mixing

  • Poor adhesion to concrete, requiring concrete floor repair.

  • Sticky surfaces that lead to dust and dirt buildup.

  • Premature wear and costly replacement.

Ensuring Proper Application: Hiring Professionals

Of course, you can nip the entire problem in the bud with one simple step — hiring experienced professionals for epoxy floor installation. While this might seem expensive, it’s far more cost effective than trying to make up for potential mistakes otherwise. 

Reliable companies in the field, like Platinum Flooring LLC, are well-versed in dealing with such projects and know how to avoid common mixing mistakes as well as less common issues with the process. 

The Bottom Line - Mix Epoxy

In short, properly mixing epoxy is the foundation of that flawless epoxy finish and prevents problems like peeling, cracking, or uneven curing; and to achieve this flawlessness without problem, you can entrust your project to professionals!


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